TechTrek 2015 – Sandy Miller serves up ice cream and all the fixings to some of our ten Tech Trek girls.

Adopt a Shoreline – Irene Gould, Lisa Patterson and Sara Tully identify our “adopted shoreline” before a cleanup Saturday.

Officers Installation and Luncheon – Gloria Lucif, Cindy Carreto, Nancy Meyer and Sara Tully enjoy catching up at the annual June Luncheon and Installation of Officers.

TechTrek – Member Myriam Mourani visits with a Tech Trek girl and her mom at our Ice Cream Social honoring the ten girls.

Social Sunday is now “Margarita Monday” on the 3rd Monday of each month at Sonora Cantina. No RSVP is required – just join us! (L-R) Irene Gould, Ellen Clarke, Holly Elmer, Annette Stewart and Heather Storm.

Scholarships – The Committee meets to review applications for consideration. (L-R) Gloria Lucif, Kay Sevedge, Heather Storm, Kathi Harper, Julie Grandi and Holly Elmer.

GiveBig – TechTrek – President Sara Tully (left) and GiveBig Chair Lisa Patterson (right) receive a plaque and check from CA Third District Supervisor James Ramos (center), a big supporter of our community. 2015 was the second year for our GiveBig campaign.

Pebble Fields Hike – Neither rain, nor cold could keep the group or Kelly Maddens’ furry friend from exploring the Pebble Fields flora and fauna.

Regional Leadership Workshop 2015 – President Sara Tully and Program Chair Heather Storm (shown), Ellen Clarke and Nancy Aldren attended the regional AAUW Leadership Training Day in Riverside.

Speech Trek – Annette Stewart, Jill Myers and Heather Storm enjoy our holiday social, where we auctioned off table arrangements and raised $700.

Castle Rock Hike – Many of our members are outdoor enthusiasts, hiking somewhere, any chance they get!

Tech Trek – Lisa Patterson engages the help from another supporter to celebrate our win as one of the top 4 non-profit fund raisers in the 2015 GiveBig San Bernardino County campaign. All four top finalists were from Big Bear Lake. We rock!

Mountain Biking – Brave members took part in an eight-mile course, down Snow Summit on mountain bike in the summer. (L-R) Barb Cohen, Sara Tully, Sandy Senft, Ellen Clarke, Helene Cross, Marianne Lins and Aly Merino.

Cycling Workshop – Paul Senft (Sandy Senft) conducted a Cycling Workshop, tuning up our “rides” for the warm season ahead. (L-R) Paul Senft, Aly Merino, Gloria Lucif, Ellen Clarke and Barb Cohen.